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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Milk & Cookies for Breakfast Without Guilt!!!
I'm so excited, I had these cookies and almond milk for breakfast the other day which is saying a lot for me since I simply can't eat any refined white sugar.  I felt great all day and was stuffed I finally made lunch at 2pm still not hungry.  They taste just like the real thing because they are the real thing, even more real than your normal cookie. To break the suspense the ingredient that I used in replacement of refined white sugar is a product called Sucanat which stands for "Sugar Cane Natural".  Sucanat goes through a boiling process at which time they would normally separate molasses from the white sugar.  Instead they stir and let it cool which creates a brown granulated texture leaving all parts of the sugar together creating a whole food product.  Sucanat helps with blood sugar levels and contains these vitamins and minerals:potassium, phosphorus, vitamin A, calcium, iron, several B vitamins, and magnesium.

I'm sure that Sucanat can be found in your local whole foods market.  I like finding great buys on a bulk order website called Azure Standard.

The Best Oatmeal Cookie Recipe
Mix when it says mix it makes a huge difference good luck.
1C Butter (unslated)/Coconut oil
2C Sucanat
2 Eggs /(replace eggs with ground flax seed) 1T ground flax, 1/4C water mix and watch it turn into egg consistency.
1t Vanilla
1 1/2 C Flour (Not white flour.  I use any flour mix these were made from Asian sticky rice flour and rye flour.)
1t Real Salt
1t Baking Soda
2C Oats
Raisins/Choco Chips
cook @ 350 for 8-10 min

For a less chewy cookie add more flour and less oatmeal.
Enjoy they are incredible!!!


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